Because we all want to hear certain songs or see certain things at the 4 upcoming Phish shows, here is The Phunion's staff list of things they are looking for the most to end the year:
10. Phish plays Crowd Control for the Occupy Crowd, location: some random park.
9. Something to make this gram of molly worth it.
8. Lifeboy.
7. A mashup of Thunderstruck and Fuck Your Face. Title: Thunderfuck Your Face.
6. Security guards that don't do their job and let us all get the fuck down wherever there is room.
5. A 30 minute version of anything, as long as it rhymes with Geezer or Schmost.
4. No mention of The National, ever again.
3. A new years gag that has something with houses. after a year of WHAT? and HOUSE, something like singing "OUR HOUSE" with Hugh Laurie on vocals would be expected, if not damn near guaranteed.
2. Gold Soundz.
1. No phish fans complaining about any part of the show (phans can dream, right?)
Happy Holidays from The Phunion. We'll be updating throughout the NYE run, so follow us @thephunion on twitter and stay tuned for news as it happens here at
i appreciate your Gold Soundz request.