Adding to the electronica-heavy lineup at Camp Bisco X, Marc Brownstein today announced he would be kicking off his 1 man off-Park-Ave. show, "The Untz Monologues"

"I've been sitting on this puppy for a few years and I felt that Camp Bisco TEN was best place to take my career in a new direction. I'll still be touring with The Disco Biscuits and Conspirator, but my talents are much more than just laying down bass for the masses. Spoken Word is true to my heart and I want to share that with everyone," remarked Brownstein as he prepared to attend Phish's SuperBall IX Festival.
While the previews of the show were close to the press, The Phunion has obtained exclusive transcripts of a portion of one of "The Untz Monologues":
I'm just gonna ask you a few questions
When was the first time you saw Untz?
Were you at a show?
Did you walk up to the band and think, like, what, what was that?
Were you surprised at the sound?
Did you dig the bass?
Perhaps the drums?
Where were you when you first learned about Untz?
Well, first I'd like to introduce Molly B. Untzington, complete with flat brim
She is a fan of Untz
It's even in
And when she first got into Untz,
She found more of it and went to find a fresh supply.
But sometimes, Untz is hard to find
Some kidz go days, weeks, months without hearing it
A high-powered treat for the ears
Full of aural pleasures
Enjoying it can be a full day's work
You've got to get DOWN son!
This isn't for the faint of heart
Or lungs
Or legs
Or Epiglottis for that matter.
With a presence on stage evoking a young Henry Rollins, Brownstein hopes to popularize spoken word performances amongst the Bisco fan base. "It's time to branch out, try something a little new and share my talents with others. I'll have Simon Posford sit in for one of the monologues, although technically then it's a dialogue. But at 2am Friday morning, semantics aren't what the kidz want. It's spoken word."
With a hope of "Celebrating Untz", the debut performance of "The Untz Monologues" will take place at Camp Bisco in the VIP tent Thursday shortly before The Disco Biscuits take the stage. Brownie's performance will still ensure Bisco arrives on stage On Time.
How do you find the time?